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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science

Data-Intensive Computing (AI VII) – Prof. Dr. Wim Martens

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2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    all years

Date News
17.05.2023 Best Paper Award in SIGMOD Industry
28.03.2023 ICDT Test-of-Time Award
15.03.2023 Two SIGMOD Research Highlight Awards
01.08.2022 Best Paper Runner Up Award at VLDB
23.06.2022 Tina Popp defends her PhD
16.12.2021 We are now called "Data-Intensive Algorithms"!
01.12.2021 Top journal "TheoretiCS" is launched
18.04.2021 SIGMOD Industry paper on PG-Keys accepted
31.03.2021 Dr. Matthias Niewerth appointed as deputy professor
25.02.2021 Book on Database Theory in the works
19.11.2020 Paper accepted at ICDT 2021
03.06.2020 Paper accepted at KR 2020
01.06.2020 Invited talk at CiE 2020
16.04.2020 Recommendations for Virtual Conferences
20.12.2019 Paper accepted for publication at STACS 2020.
05.12.2019 Paper accepted for publication at ICDT 2020.
07.10.2019 B.Sc. Praktikum und Seminar Wintersemester 19/20
26.09.2019 Wim Martens gives an invited talk at the "29. Theorietag: Automaten und Formale Sprachen" in Bremen
03.07.2019 ​SIGMOD Research Highlight Award
21.05.2019 Informatik Kolloquium am 5. Juni: On query languages for matrices and K-relations
12.05.2019 Johannes gives a talk at the Technion in Haifa
08.05.2019 Article accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Database Systems.
16.03.2019 Best Paper Award at STOC 2019 for Wojciech
13.03.2019 Paper accepted for publication at PODS 2019.
18.02.2019 Paper accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Database Systems.
09.02.2019 Paper accepted for publication at The Web Conference 2019.
20.11.2018 Paper accepted for publication at PODS 2019.
24.09.2018 Informatik Kolloquium am 10.Oktober: Understanding the Bitcoin Protocol. Seriously.
31.03.2018 Paper accepted for publication at LICS 2018.
14.02.2018 Two Demo Papers are accepted for publication at the 2018 Web Conference.
31.01.2018 Best Paper Award at ICDT 2018.
29.01.2018 Our article "Minimization of Tree Patterns" is accepted to the Journal of the ACM.
27.11.2017 Two Papers are accepted for publication at ICDT 2018.
20.06.2017 Prof. Dr. Wim Martens gives an Invited Talk at STOC 2017 (Montreal, Canada).
31.01.2017 Dominik D. Freydenberger starts as a Lecturer at Loughborough University. 

Webmaster: Johannes Doleschal

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