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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science

Data-Intensive Computing (AI VII) – Prof. Dr. Wim Martens

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2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    all years

Date News
20.11.2018 Paper accepted for publication at PODS 2019.
24.09.2018 Informatik Kolloquium am 10.Oktober: Understanding the Bitcoin Protocol. Seriously.
31.03.2018 Paper accepted for publication at LICS 2018.
14.02.2018 Two Demo Papers are accepted for publication at the 2018 Web Conference.
31.01.2018 Best Paper Award at ICDT 2018.
29.01.2018 Our article "Minimization of Tree Patterns" is accepted to the Journal of the ACM.

Webmaster: Johannes Doleschal

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